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Friday, January 15, 2010

Great Quote

Goes to show why context is important.

In an email to my sister, Stace:

"Good to hear from you.... glad you found a farm so quickly --- have fun !!!


The back story - Stace is in New Zealand and using a program where she basically works on a farm 5 days a week for 4-6 hours per day and gets room/board.


Laura said...

wow, does she have a blog? that sounds like quite the adventure!!

Bryn said...

She has a blog but hasn't updated it since she arrived. She's currently working on a farm where the family is building a "green" house - walls are made of tires filled with dirt and cement and the toilet is a "compost" toilet. She also got to witness the birth of an animal and apparently the family pig is pregnant, so depending on the due date, she might get to see baby pigges. Crazy! If she ever updates it, I'll post it to my blog for folks to see.