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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

24 and the weather

So the weather for the past week and a half has been sunny and in the 40's (to be fair it has been freezing at night). In general it has been just great weather! Cold but beautiful. These Californians are sure having a heck of a time with it. I've seen full length wool coats and earmuffs and my cute neighbor even salted the 6"x6" patch of ice in front of her garage door. I guess it's finally going to warm up and I think I hear rain coming down outside. Oh well.

In other news, 24 is back and I thoroughly enjoyed the season premiere (all 4 hours of it). Don't read this if you don't want me to spoil some things. Jack Bauer really is the man, he can get stabbed in the arm and back and heal in less than 15 minutes. I'm impressed. I'm also impressed he shot Curtis in the neck. But we all know that you can get shot in the neck and survive. Well, you can survive if you are Tony Almeda. Speaking of Tony, Nick and I were chatting about 24 and I think that my favorite 24 moment was in season 4 when Jack called the only person he could trust...TONY! Incredible.

So Legally the Blonde the musical is going to debut in San Francisco. I'm not sure what I think about this. It is one of my all time favorite movies...but I'm really not sure how they plan on turning it into a musical. I'm also not sure how much I will like it without Reese.

Speaking of Reese, the Golden Globes were on last night. Reese looked lovely in yellow. But my big peeve is with Angelina Jolie. She was not really in a good mood, kinda cranky if you ask me. She's still beautiful, it just put a bad taste in my mouth.


Unknown said...

So I saw a little of 24, and it was the scene where Jack bites the guy to death. And then there was blood all over his mouth. I had my fill after that. Anyway, your dad's post cracked me up... Is Stacey going to your dad's, I should ask her. I'd feel a little awkward going by myself :-p Legally Blonde as a musical? I think it could work. And yeah, Zack's hair? Insane! And why would Bree take those teeth from Alma's house?

Unknown said...

Hey Anthony...Stacey's coming Sunday. Finished Season 5 of 24 on my way back to Seattle is Curtis a bad guy? Tony's alive? Whoa....thinking I might not wait until the DVD comes out...may have to get into this year......