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Friday, January 19, 2007

I saw my life flash before me...

Well, not really...but sort of.

Lisa and I decided to go shopping.
We went to the Rack just east of Oakland.
We headed home on 880.
We were suppose to take the 238 to 680 interchange....but something went wrong and we ended up getting off the freeway.

# of times I've gotten lost since living in CA: 3

Unfortunately, there was no way to get back on the freeway at that particular point. Seems to be a theme in California. So we decide to stay on this road...we thought it would eventually lead us back to the freeway.

We're driving along, no big deal...then all of a sudden I look at Lisa, she looks at me and we realize...we are in the ghetto. I think we realized this might be the ghetto when...

- we saw this old car drive by with gigantic wheels and spinning rims.
- a supped up acura with blue and white paint and Pillsbury dough boy stickers pulled up next to us. It actually stayed next to us for a while so I eventually sped up to get away from it. When I sped up Lisa says "Bryn, he's going to think you want to race."
- you could buy "real hair for your weave" at the beauty supply store.
- we saw police cars on every other corner.
- we saw an ambulance pick someone up off the side of the road.

We eventually found the freeway, unfortunately it was at the Oakland airport. So we had driven the wrong direction for 20 minutes. Oh well, it was an adventure to say the least.


Unknown said...

I hope we won't be heading there when I come to visit you! Of course I'm excited! What should we do, as if you don't already have a plan? :-p This quarter is sucking so I am most definitely looking forward to getting out of here. Oh and is Bree going to kill Alma or what?

Justin said...

that sounds like every day in philadelphia! hope you're having fun down there! i randomly found this so thought i'd comment...
