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Sunday, January 7, 2007

Woke up early...with the sun (not by choice...I have shear shades in my room).
Took BART into SF (if you want to sound like a local call it "BART" not "THE BART").
Stopped by GAP and got a steal!
Stood in line for an hour and got front row tickets to see Jersey Boys.
Standing in line for rush tickets is always an experience. You meet the most interesting people. Today for instance, I let a woman borrow my cell phone. I must have been feeling nice. Met another friendly couple and a pair of older women who made it their mission in life to alert all passers by that they were in the front of the line and then end was "wayyyy" back there.
I really had no idea what to expect with this musical...but for $25 I couldn't complain.

Turned out to be very entertaining. It was the story of the 4 Seasons, they were a big deal back in the day. I had no idea how many hits they had. I guess I have mom to thank...all those days of oldies finally paid off. I'm not really sure why I liked it....but I did. The people around me loved it even more. The couple sitting next to me was so excited that they even gave me a hug before they left. You can hear some of the songs here.

One final opiece of trivia, Alex from Grey's Anatomy is on The Wedding Planner with Jennifer Lopez.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hate being woken up by the sun. Sounds like the Bay Area's going to be awesome for you. Sorry, I can't think of anything else to write, but I do enjoy your blog.