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Thursday, January 11, 2007

I've been slacking.

I would first like to direct you to the comments on the previous blog. Blake leaves excellent comments, ie:

"I see nick has commented here. I'll assume you two communicate solely by blog."

That's funny ish.

In addition, I would like to openly comment about my use of the phrase "P-Town," aka Pleasanton. I received an email from a friend:

"I am slightly offended by your liberal use of the phrase P-Town. As you know, I am from (and very proud to be) Portland, the city originally nicknamed P-Town. May I kindly suggest finding a different nickname, such as Pleasantizzle, Pleasantonia, P-Ville, or any other creative combination of the name and some ebonics."

I will continue to call Pleasanton "P-town" for the following reasons:

1. P-town is a nickname given to Pleasanton, as stated on Wikipedia. And as everyone knows, everything on wikipedia is true.
2. P-town is NOT a nickname given to Portland (also according to Wikipedia). And again, everyone knows that wikipedia doesn't lie.
3. "Pleasanton" becomes "P-ton" if you remove the "-leasan-." P-ton is very close to P-town.
4. "Portland" -> "P-land" if you remove the "-ort-." P-land is not close to "P-town" at all, P-land actually seems like a perfect name for Portland if you ask me. Or better yet, "the land of ports."

One finally bit of humor for your day. I took a backpack to work today because I wanted to bring some textbooks in. When I left work I put on the empty backpack and walked across the Sandia campus and parking lot to my car. When I put the backpack into the trunk I realized I had never closed it. I was that girl walking around with the entire backpack hanging open. Alright, maybe it wasn't so bad....but I definitely had a little laugh at myself.

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