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Monday, January 8, 2007

Even the short jeans are too long

I decided I needed some black flats and some new jeans. I rolled my ankle in my 1.5" boots.....I know, it's a talent. Found some cute jeans but of course, they were too long. At least 4-5" too long to be more precise. The saleswoman found me some "short" jeans....but they were also too long. GAP use to make "ankle" length jeans. They were meant to be flood pants....those fit perfect :-)

Does the gas light give you stress? It stresses me out. As soon as it goes on all I can think about is getting to the nearest gas station. Ever notice that when the gas light goes on, you can't find a gas station to save your life. This happened tonight. I was stressing out so much that I even turned off the air to conserve that was really going to help. Fortunately I found a gas station.


Nick said...

The fusion's got a digital readout that says how many miles to empty. You would have killed me, I took that bad boy into the negatives this afternoon.

Blake said...

Well, I did read all the entries, but none of the comments. I see nick has commented here. I'll assume you two communicate solely by blog.

I enjoyed your entry about Full House as well as the Magic Bullet. I'd like to know more. Did YOU order that from TV at 2:30am, or did someone give it to you?

OH, I also just noticed the blog title. That was a pleasure.

I have lots of other stupid two line comments, but I wont bother all your readers with them.

