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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Fashion Faux Pas on my Feet

During Christmas break one of the shoe sites was having a huge sale. As a result, Nick and I decided to get Crocs. That's right, the super hideous clog like shoes that people rave about. They arrived a few weeks ago and I've been wearing them around the house. They are actually really comfortable and light weight. I decided that I needed to road test them. So I wore the Crocs out!! EEK!!

Don't worry, I just put the socks on for the picture. All I need now is a small stream to walk through - so that I may test their waterproofness (yes, it's a word).

In other news, I've completed 1 full week of work! Whew. I rewarded myself with a small shopping trip to the outlets at Gilroy. Ahhh, Gilroy. They are most famous for their Garlic Festicval. Even though the festival takes place during the summer, garlic rules all year round. You can actually smell garlic in the parking lot of the outlet mall. Yeah, it's weird.

Anyways, it's time for 24. Welcome back Jack!


Unknown said...

Bryn, that picture is a little disturbing.

Unknown said...

picture is disturbing...but the footwear of choice for my hero...mario batali....hey anthony...when you coming by for dinner.....