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Monday, June 15, 2009


I went home for a little over 12 hours to surprise my sister.  She graduated from the design department at UW.  They put on a "show" and you can't miss a "show."  Her project was on design I know how people would feel when I'd tell them what I did.  But it looked cool, which is 90% of the game.

It was absolutely gorgeous day at UW.  These 2 lovebirds were enjoying the sun in the quad.  I should add that this picture was taken around 8PM.  Incredible.  Although, I'm not a huge fan of lying on the grass.  I prefer to have a blanket between me and the ground.  But that's a personal preference.

For dinner we got some Thai 65 and some bubble tea.  OMG I miss bubble tea soooo much.  Strawberry Icee with Tapioca please!  It's better than starbucks (assuming you don't need the caffeine).


Unknown said...

I miss bubble tea too! I'm surprised you can't get it where you are, with all those Asians out there. If I go to Annandale, VA, which is like a little Korea, I can find some, but it's super expensive (like $6 for one!), it made me miss Yunnie's and Wow.

Katie said...

congrats to stacey!
and hello anthony!!!
we need to reconnect now that i'm in VA!!