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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I've been to Disneyland quite often....but never with Zach, Kelly and the rest of the Ronans! Zach, Kelly and I were RAs at UW!

To try something new, we took the Walk in Walt's Footsteps Tour where we got to go inside the lobby of the ultra exclusive Club 33 - the only place in Disneyland that serves alcohol. It also has fewer than 500 members and there is currently a 14 year wait....from the minimal digging I could do online.

Zach likes Star Wars. We saw people wearing these weird back packs that looked like Yoda. So we found one and Zach tried it on. It looks like Yoda is about to take a bite out of Zach's neck.

Here we are on some rides. The weather was great, the lines were pretty short and a good time was had by all!

1 comment:

Stacey Miyahara said...

oh my good gosh. Looking at all three of those Ronan women is like looking at a time lapse! that's amazing!