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Thursday, May 20, 2010


I loved my grandpa. He was a tough guy, a body builder type in his youth. He trained soldiers to fight in WWII. He passed away when I was in 3rd grade.

For as tough as he was, he was a pretty good grandpa. He kept a comb - a 6" black one - in his pocket, and when I'd wake up from naps - my head all sweaty - he'd comb my hair into place.

We also would read the comics together. And he let me sit in the front seat of the car and change the radio stations.

When I picked my nose he'd say "Bryner, whatcha doin? Pickin' a winner?"

He hated strawberries because he didn't like the seeds getting into his teeth. So I told him I'd invent a machine that picked the seeds out of strawberries.....oops.....never really got on that one.

He even shared his food with me!


Stacey Miyahara said...

oh you should find that babe-a-licious one of his body building picture from when he was younger. i think it's in my room.

what a guy.

Unknown said...

weird, my grandpa always has one of those small combs too. maybe it's a generational thing.