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Friday, May 7, 2010


Sometimes I get random comments from people who come across my blog. Some are friends of friends, but most find my blog through google alerts they setup for keywords. This happened when I posted about P90X and yesterday when I posted about tee-shirts. I received this comment:

"It is happened some time when we cannot able to decide what we have to do even sometime we lost our good thing and keep those things that are not too good i think this is same happened to you."

Doesn't this remind you of DOL in middle school? Where you get the grammatically incorrect sentence and change it around to make it grammatically correct. So, here is what I think he meant to say:

"It happens sometimes, that we cannot decide what we have to do. Sometimes we lose our good things and keep those things that are not very good. I think this is what happened to you."

I don't even think I did that 100% correct....but I was trying to stay true to the original voice. So here are some things to point out.

1. Even though he/she spammed me, he read my blog and made a (sincere?) comment about what was going on.
2. He spammed me twice, because the first time, he forgot the whole reason for spamming...adding a link to your own page.
3. Ironically, his site sells t-shirts but the blog was about getting rid of t-shirts. Maybe he thought I would need to replenish the dwindling stock.

In any case, I don't get many even the spammers get to go up! And they provide entertaining fodder for future blogs.


Stacey Miyahara said...

I will leave you with this gem. It is the synopsis of the movie The Assassination of Jesse James, however, it is from the Chinese pirated version:

"When Charm strength unfathomable "Western first Sharpshooter" Jaishi James (Brad Pitt decoration) by virtue of extraordinary ability organized a large-scale pay for the upcoming complete ago, has been the most trusted subordinates- character cowardly Loubaitefude (Kaxia fears decoraton) shot from behind. What was reason to have pair of sharp shooters and respect of the Ford embarked on the road of rebellion? The film will center on "Legends of Paladin" James and "traitors pronoun" Ford to start a kind of Western history."

Katie said...


cathy said...

I've done DOL in 1st and 3rd grade. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, some kids just don't get it. Will you get spammed again because you put P90X?