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Monday, May 3, 2010

How to paint your nails

I thoroughly enjoy painting my nails and I tend to think I'm pretty good at it (if I do say so myself). I'm actually quite particular and have spent a great deal of time perfecting the art. For those of you that want a salon manicure at home, here's what you need.

1. OPI nail envy. I've gone through 2 bottles of this stuff. It's a fantastic basecoat and helps the polish stay on for a long time.

2. Next, you need a high quality nail polish. OPI is a good brand and the names are awesome. I tend to prefer the non-shimmery/sparkly colors these days. But anything goes.

3. Finish with "Super fast drying topcoat" by Poshe. This stuff dries in about a minute, hard in about 5 minutes. It also goes on nice and thick so you get a super glossy finish.

Technically these are all sort of expensive - however, when you figure a manicure costs $20, you've paid for the top coat, polish and basecoat after 2 manicures. And, you can always get it on sale, especially if you live near an ULTA.

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