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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Domino's Pizza

Domino's is trying to revamp their image. In an effort to support this lofty endeavor, a group of us ordered Domino's takeout the other night.

Feast your eyes on 4 glorious pies!

Their big thing is the crust - so of course we had to try a few different varieties. We had the hand-tossed garlic seasoned crust with a "rich, buttery taste." And the crunchy thin for the "optimum crispy to crunchy ratio."

Verdict? Success! The pizza was tasty and the crust was delicious. At the same time, I really can't remember the last time I had Domino's. So I have very little to compare it to.

1 comment:

Stacey Miyahara said...

domino's was always the closest to our capitol hill apartment so we got it a lot. we noticed the new crusts early on and i agree. success.