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Saturday, February 20, 2010


Have you heard of P90X? It's a set of workout videos that are super intense. I first heard about it a few years ago when my friend tried it out. She decided it wasn't her cup of tea and put it on the back burner. Since then, we've heard of a lot of people giving it a try. Nick even took a stab at P90 yoga....but only lasted through 45 minutes of the 1.5hr workout.

The only person we know that has stuck with it for longer than a few days is our buddy Chris....a pro athlete trying to stay in shape during the off season. Ugh, so not fair.


Kellie G said...

You guys can totally do it!!! It will put you in the best shape of your life! I promise....I can do three pull ups now and thats saying a lot. And when Chris got to camp this year everyone was saying how HUGE he got!! You guys should definitely give it a try!

Coach Anna Gray said...

You really can do it. If I can and my husband can do it, you can do it. I have done 2 rounds of it. If you have any ?s about it I am a Beachbody Coach as well and you can see my success at

cathy said...

Karen told me Mike bought it to prep for the wedding. I don't know how he's doing. I've been hearing a lot about it lately, too.

Unknown said...

Become a Beachbody Coach. Save and make money with me!


Jamie said...

You guys should give it a try. I just finished my 90 day challenge and I got great results. You can check out my before and after pics on my blog.