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Friday, February 12, 2010

Stace Down Under

My sis is on an "around the world tour" - one of those trips you do before officially growing up - sometimes I wish I'd had time for that. In any case, she's keeping a somewhat spotty blog of her adventures with her friend, Brittany or Britt - the blog is "spotty" because they don't get a lot of internet. It's pretty entertaining and the girls are pretty funny.

They are spending part of their time WWOOFing - basically they work on an organic farm and get to live and eat for free. Their first experience was on an earthship - yep, I said earthship. The best part is the compost toilet, and by best, I mean my nightmare. She's told me many times, "B, you'd hate this." Yep, yep I would. That's why I didn't do an around the world trip straight out of college with no money....I can't handle compost toilets. She's actually taking it well and will have lots of great stories to tell when she returns. I think they are currently gone from the earthship, staying with friends with a toilet that flushes.

To learn more about their travels, visit their blog:

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