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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pee 9o ex

Ever heard of a blog spammer?

After my blog post about "pee 9o ex" I received 3 comments by people I've never met. And they weren't interested in my Mochi blogs or chopstick wrapper origami videos. They all provided links to their own pages, praising the results of "pee 9o ex."

I've learned that people can setup alerts that inform them ANYTIME someone blogs about a certain subject. Apparently, these people all have alerts for "pee 9o ex." And in an effort to keep them from spamming me again, I'm making it difficult for them to use the information in this blog.


Judy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judy said...

oops. meant to edit my comment, not to delete it all together! lol. apparently you can only delete. oh well. i'll be a better commentor next time! lol