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Thursday, February 11, 2010

What do you do with YOUR chopstick wrapper?

Ever since I can remember, I've made swans from my chopstick wrappers. I think my grandma taught me how and I'm kind of OCD about it. I sit at the table, make a clean tear to remove my chopsticks and start to fold. It only take a few minutes (these days) and I have a handy chopstick holder when I'm done.

I've impressed our Japanese waitresses at the Benihana-like restaurant in Epcot and our waitress at the local sushi joint takes them home whenever I make them. She claims to have 100 in her room....not sure what she's planning on doing with them. To each his own.

I can teach you sometime if you'd like.


Unknown said...

Yes, take pictures and do a step by step blog.

PNB Dave said...

I had no idea you were so multitalented.

steveandjody said...

If only Steve knew how to do this last night. The waitress brought him chopsticks for his ahi and pointed them out to him twice. He'd normally have used a fork but I think she intimidated him!

steveandjody said...

I brought my wrapper home from dinner last night hoping for a lesson posted by today so I could wow the folks by dinner tonight. Guess it'll have to wait. Maybe I'll order champagne and amaze them with my ability to make a tiny little chair out of the wire gizmo that keeps the cork it.