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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mammoth Calves

So I have really big calves. Not small cows, but the muscle in the lower part of your leg.

When I was little, I started out in gymnastics and then progressed to ballet. They say the muscles grow long and lean in ballet....but somehow mine managed to grow short and wide. Nuts!

I've started taking ballet again and the calves have returned! They are currently 14.5" in circumference. Remember I'm all of 5' nothin'. Nick's are 15.5" but he's 6'2".

Don't get me wrong, I've learned to embrace the muscle. But there are times when it's rough. Like this weekend, when I was trying on boots. The calf volume is proportional to the foot size. The larger the foot, the larger the calf volume. My calves are not proportionate to my size 7 feet. I can't wear most boots. I tried to force them on and ended up needing help to get them removes. Blast!

But hey, they helped propel me up hills during the Nike Women's they're good for something!

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