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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mochi's 4th of July

Mochi got to go "swimming" in Auntie Lisa's pool. He wasn't thrilled about it and tried to get out as soon as he was near the edge. BTW - these are our new favorite floaty. They are AWESOME!

Later that night, Mochi was a little tired. He was pretty un-fazed by the fireworks. Or he's deaf. One of the 2.

His excitement level grew to an all time high when he got his glow necklace. His excitement was palpable.

1 comment:

Stacey Miyahara said...

oh he looks so fluffy. did he get a recent bath? i dunno why he doesn't like swimming. it's so refreshing. especially for someone who wears a fur coat all the time.

dude. joven. little creeps.