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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Red Lodge, MT

According to Wikipedia, 0.46% Asian. Population 2,177. To be fair, that was in 2000.

There's a lot of charm in a (very) small town. Like this cute wall.

And this little place. It's called the candy emporium and it carries all sorts of delicious treats! I bought taffy and gummy bears and jelly beans and sour apple heads. I went there twice.

And in the evenings, you can head 15 minutes to an even smaller town, and watch (and bet on) the pig races.

Naked piggies.

We also took the opportunity to do a little rafting. So naturally, we headed to Absarokee, Pop: 1,234. Rafting was great - but no pictures because I didn't want to ruin the camera.

After rafting we headed to the Dew Drop Inn - don't be confused, it's not an Inn at all, it's a drive up restaurant. And we had a delicious lunch of fried food and a huckleberry shake made with REAL huckleberries. SOOOOO good.

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