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Thursday, July 8, 2010


I went to grad school at UW and made lots of friends! One of my friends, Blake, has family nearby and is often in town. He was in town this past weekend and we met up for some World Cup action and a little bit of Fro Yo.

Our other friend, Big John, has been in the area for a year or 2 and was able to meet up with us as well. It was one big engineering reunion!

Here we are at fro yo, posing with our biodegradable cups (sugar cane) and spoons (potato).

The Yogurt store has a white baby grand and we heard rumors that playing said piano can get you 10% off. Pretty sure my rendition of heart and soul and or the first 8 seconds of Titanic would not warrant me the discount.

I asked the guy behind the counter if he could play. His response, "not well." So I asked him to play. He busts out this awesome little diddy. So I asked what it was. His response, "Well, I wrote it." Seriously?! If that's playing "not well," he would have been horrified to watch Blake and I bust out a song that may or may not have involved using our knuckles.

All in all a very successful reunion. Let's go DAWGS!

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