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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Amish Friendship Bread

The baking equivalent of a chain letter.

I received a bag of starter mix from a friend 11 days ago. He also gave me a Friendship muffin - they didn't have a loaf pan.

The muffin was delicious, so I decided to make the friendship bread. I've been given starter mix before and I usually "kill it." I typically forget about it and lose interest. But here is where all previous Friendship-Bread-Starter-Mix-Givers have gone wrong. They never gave me a taste of the bread. That's key. It's pretty delicious. So I had a reason to stick with it.

If you've never gotten this before, you basically have to massage the ziplock for 10 days and feed it some flour, sugar and milk half way through.

After 10 days you can start baking.

Well....I kinda freaked out because it says you're suppose to make it 10 days after you receive it. But I didn't have time and was missing 1 I had to make it on day 11. Uh oh. No worries, I checked the internet (where there is a surprisingly high amount of Amish Friendship Bread literature) and I was A.O.K.

Ironically, the bread mix requires a package of instant vanilla pudding.....that doesn't sound like something the Amish would just have laying around. But oh well.

I also decided that I wanted more I'm not giving very much away.

I made mini muffin....

I also made a loaf. Here it is, baking in the oven. Trust me, it's there.

Finished product. I just finished a slice and it's delicious....but anything with almost 2 cups of sugar is usually pretty tasty.

So, the next time you get some Amish Friendship Bread starter, give it a try. It's delicious!

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