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Sunday, July 11, 2010

So yeah

I'm in Montana right now. Not a place I ever planned on checking off my list of places to visit, but I'm here. I'm trying not to get my hopes up for Yellowstone. I've only recently gotten into "nature."

When I tell people I'm going to Yellowstone, the next thing out of their mouths is, "Are you going to the grand Tetons." To which I reply, "I think." I have no idea what a Teton is. I'm assuming it's the biggest and best Teton - since it's "grand." I've purposely stayed away from any pictures or websites about the Grand Tetons - I want to form a picture in my head and then see how accurately my imagination has captured the true essence of the Teton. Teton sounds like teeter (As in teeter-totter) so I'm hoping it's a really big rock that looks like a teeter-totter. But I imagine that's not what it will be. I'll report back.

1 comment:

Katie said...

it took my sister and i a full day to drive thru montana
as we made our way to seattle
it is a gigantic state

and i may be a 13-yr-old boy on the inside
but tetons make me think of boobs