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Friday, July 30, 2010


Here are some cool websites that I frequent and what they are good for:

Woot - 1 daily deal! Recently taken over by Amazon, you can often find awesome deals! The day after Amazon took over, they had kindles for $100 (I think)

Groupon - each day Groupon has a "coupon" or 2 for a particular metropolitan area (Seattle, San Francisco etc.). Last Wednesday, the deal in Seattle was "$15 for $30 worth of grilled cuisine at Flat Iron Steak in Issaquah." Sometimes it's laser hair treatment for 85% off. Sign up for emails and you'll get a "Daily Groupon" in your inbox. - pay $2 for $25 worth of food. Always search for a coupon code before purchasing. For more on this, visit Nick's site.

Hautelook: Everyday there are deals on designer clothes, furniture, baby clothes, makeup, jewelry etc. You have to be diligent, but you can often find 7 jeans for <$100 or a L.A.M.B. bag for 65% off.

Ruelala: Similar to Hautelook. I recently got a $108 hobo wallet for more than 50% off!

Gilt: Also similar to Haute and Rue, but Gilt includes Jetsetter - hotels at a big discount! I haven't purchased any yet, but I've got my eye out.

All I have for now. Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Steve and I went to the Flat Iron Grill after it opened and we wouldn't go back, even for 50% off.