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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Terra Bella Family Farm

My officemate participates in a CSA - Community Supported Agriculture program. What is a CSA? Well, Nick and I found out today.

You see, my officemate couldn't make her weekly pickup and offered us the basket if we wanted to pick it up ourselves. Why not?!

Here's the scoop:
1. You pay $30/week but have to sign up for 11 weeks.
2. What we got: a bunch of kale (not "a lot" but an actual, physical "bunch"), 1.5 lbs of onions (not sure what we'll do with all that), 1.5lbs of squash (a few different varieties), 2 peppers, 1 "bunch" of basil, broccoli, 1 loaf of olive/wheat bread from a local bakery, a basket of strawberries, 1.25lbs of pluots, 1.25lbs of peaches, a bag of different lettuces and one more extra loaf of bread from the "free" bin.
3. You pull up to a farm house and they have all the stuff sitting out with a scale, so you just wander around and take what's on the list.

It's quite cute and if you're the type of people who frequent the farmer's market, this could be right up your alley.

The downside - you get what you get. I'm glad we weren't planning on making cucumber salad - we'd be out of luck. On the plus side, you get to try new things. Other downside - you have to pick up your produce on a specified day, so if you're busy, you're out of luck OR you get your friends to help you out.

Not sure if we're quite ready to take the farm fresh, organic plunge, but it was a fun experience and it feels good to patronize local businesses.

1 comment:

Anna Williams said...

Hey B,
We subscribe to Full Belly Farms CSA and it's awesome, although I don't think they have pickup sites on your side of the hills...but just so the information is out there, FB has no minimum # of weeks you pay for, and has neighborhood sites (typically a members porch) that you get your box from. It feels very cool to feel so connected to your food, in addition to the fact that it's the most tasty produce ever (like I've said things like 'this is the most carroty carrot I've ever eaten!', and I actually enjoy the greens (yes, greens! So tender!). We've even visited the farm on their open farm days. Very cool. Yes, a bit more work and sometimes requires a bit of ingenuity in the kitchen, but this is a good thing (given that you have time). Glad that you had fun with it!