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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Like a kid again

My birthday came a little early this year!

Nick got me a new bike! Nope, nothing too fancy, but it has around 18 speeds, hybrid tires and a cushy seat!

Before I got on he asked, "do you still remember how?"

Please. I ride bikes at work all the time.

We took a quick ride behind our place with the neighbor girls. The comcast parking lot is a money spot for trying out a new ride.

I remember when I got my first bike, and I remember the 2nd one as well. The first one was red and white (w/ training wheels). I got some of those bottle cap things to snap on the spokes - it made an annoying sound, but I thought it was cool. Then, after I'd progressed far enough, I got to take off the training wheels. Once, I crashed really hard and lost one of my teeth - it was a baby tooth and it was loose. But I was sad that the tooth fairy wouldn't come.

Then, on one of my birthdays - maybe 7 or 8? I got a mountain bike. It was white, pink and orange. We took it to Sun River and it got bugs on it from the drive. It was awesome.

Now I have a white and green schwinn. It's awesome. Thanks, N.

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