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Sunday, July 25, 2010

SF Half Marathon

We just got back from SF for the (half) marathon.

Yesterday we dropped Mochi off and then drove into the city to get Nick's bib and check into the hotel.

The race has been dubbed "The race even marathoners fear!" because of the crazy hills. The Wall Street article talked about a pro marathoner who was 20 min. slower during the SF half than any of her others.

We had some carbo-loading the night before....sympathy carbo load from me :-) And you should really end the night with dessert...

Then it was a 5:42AM start for Nick. Ick!

I drove to the Presidio and caught him running - he's so fast that he's blurry!

Then I drove to the finish and snapped this. Again, too fast - so he's blurry.

His goal was under 2 hrs and he finished at 1:59:15. Nicely done! You can see him 10 ft out. I couldn't get him right under the sign. Oh well.

He said "screw you" to the bananas and gatorade - instead he went straight for the Irish coffee. (Don't worry, he had plenty of water, cytomax, bananas and bagels). He says he's done now that he broke 2 hrs. But we'll see how he feels next year. Nicely done, kid.


Justin said...

That's fun! We almost did that half marathon as our July run (we couldn't, though, because the packet pickup was yesterday and I worked until too late to get to SF before the expo ended)! Looks like you guys had fun!

Unknown said...

WOW!! So impressive, seriously! You guys are rock stars. Congrats buddy and relax...maybe with a little bit of coffee and chocolate cake :) Can't WAIT to see you both soooon!

Kellie G said...

Nice job Nick!! That's awesome!! And doing the SF half with all the hills...thats really good!! And Bryn I'm super excited to see that you are doing the Disney half!! I'm so glad your still running...its not Sep. 5-7 by any chance?? Because if so we will be in Anaheim with you! :)

Nikki said...

Hi Bryn! I didn't know you had a blog! Love staying in touch this way.

I would love to do a half marathon someday. What a great accomplishment. Although I guess I'd rather ride in the car and each chocolate cake ;)

Hope you're doing well!