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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Best Weekend Ever: I

Oh yes. I plan on milking this past weekend for as many blog posts as possible. They may or may not come one right after the other. In fact, they probably won't.

We had our wedding this past weekend in Cabo at the Hilton los Cabos.

This is the nicest hotel I've ever stayed at, and I think most of my friends and family agree. If you're ever in Cabo. Stay here. It won't disappoint.

My friend, Kellie, took this photo from their room. Not a bad view in the house!

Saturday morning was beach yoga. The yoga lady made us do a series of moves with our eyes closed. Suppose to make us more in tune with our bodies or something like that.

One of these things is not like the other.....

At some point she made us do it really fast....we were all laughing. She was kind of a funny lady.

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