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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gosh darn it!

So I went for a run on know...want to look good in that dress.

So I'm running, feeling a little faster than normal (probably some pent up stress or something). Running running running......then....trip....oh no!...wait, I can catch myself....nope, no I can't....shit, this is going to it comes....skid....skid....skid. Thankfully, I took the majority of the blow in a 1" diameter section of my hand and my right hip. The hand slowed me down in the direction I was running, and the right hip took care of gravity...that's right, I just broke up my fall into vectors.

There's that awesome moment, where you trip and you think you've caught yourself. Then the sad realization that you can't get your lower half to catch up with your upper half. It happened in slow motion.

Needless to say, there was blood, scrapes and a few tears....and I was 1.5 miles from home....without a cell phone. I haven't fallen like that since 1st grade at Linea's house. We were playing tag and I tripped on her gravel driveway. I still have the scars to prove it.

Thanks to the adrenaline, I was able to run home...a little gimpy, with a throbbing hand, but I made it back.

I got home and rinsed it out. But let's be real, without a mom telling you how hard to rinse it, it was kind of a half-assed rinse.

The next morning, I headed to medical at work. I got a little nervous that I didn't clean it well enough and I didn't want to get an infection. Do you know how medical people clean "abrasions"? With a scrubby brush and stingy liquid! Holy crap that hurt like heck! No wonder kids hate the doctor. But it was good for me.

Now I've got a fatty bandaid on my hand and everyone keeps asking what I did. Failed to stay upright, that's what happened. Oh well, at least I protected the face. I guess that's the important part, right? :-)


Tyler and Caresse said...

Oh no!!!!!! I'm glad though that you protected your face! Hopefully the band-aid will be gone by next Monday!!!!

Kellie G said...

Oh my goodness Bryn!!!!! I'm so sorry!! That's the worst...hopefully you heal soon!