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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Whoever said blogging doesn't pay?

Ever heard of shutterfly? It's a site that lets you turn photos into cards, calendars, invitations, mugs and even mouse pads. Because everyone needs a mouse pad with their favorite pet on it!

We (and by we, I mean me....Nick just happens to appear in the photo) started sending out Christmas cards once we got Moch. Seemed like a good time to start. And who doesn't LOVE getting a little REAL mail during the holidays.

I'd been getting my cards at costco until last year. I decided I didn't like the designs and they were getting kinda big. So I designed my own. They looked cool but it was a HUGE pain in the rear.

I was still debating what to do this year, when I stumbled upon this shutterfly promo. Blog about shutterfly Christmas photo cards and get 50 free cards. What?! I've been blogging everyday since January 1st and it's about time this blogging thing paid off! :-)

I went to the shutterfly site and was actually pretty impressed with their designs. I picked out a few of my favorite Christmas photo cards.

I like cards where you can put multiple photos. I can never pick just one photo.

This one reminds me of Cabo :-)

This card allows you to put 3 different sized/oriented photos. I think it breaks up the space nicely.

This card is just too adorable. And it works if you want to actually write a note to the people you are sending it to.

And here is one that allows you to put a "letter" to your friends. Let them know what happened during the past year. I learned quite a bit about Annie and Justin in the card below.

This one is super cute.....but I don't think I have a picture where we are offset on the right.

This is my absolute favorite. If I can find a good picture, we're using this.

This started out as a way to get free photos. But in the end, I learned that shutterfly has some pretty nice designs and I'll definitely return in the future!

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