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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Best Weekend Ever: IV

I really like camping. Actually....I don't really know if I like camping....but I DO know that I like to roast marshmallows.

We didn't do a ton of camping as kids, so I never really experienced the whole marshmallow roasting thing. I tried to roast them in the fireplace, but we used those fire-starter logs and I think my parents were concerned about ingesting the chemicals in the log.

I have this theory. Anything you were "deprived" of as a child, causes major addictions as an adult. I'm the same way with Disneyland (I wasn't deprived....I just went a bit later than most of my non-addicted friends).

When we go camping, I typically roast everyone's marshmallows for them. I don't understand why they don't want to roast their own....but I'm not going to challenge them. After all, it's the best part of camping.

So you can imagine my excitement when I learned that we could have a bonfire on the beach in Cabo. And we could roast marshmallows!

Did you know that you can buy ginormous marshmallows in Mexico. They were about as big as my fist. In hindsight....not such a good idea. They never really get soft in the center....I'm sure I could go back and calculate the proper temperature for roasting such a behemoth....but that would have been lame at the time.

And did you know that "graham crackers" in Mexico taste more like Ritz crackers. While surprising, it was actually kind of nice to have something break up all the sweetness (not sweetness as in cool, but sweetness as in too much sugar....nothing was going to break up the coolness of this party). example of my awesome modeling can see just how big those marshmallows really were.

And out bonfire. It started out kinda slow...then they started flicking all this fire starter stuff on it and it really grew.

And here I am. Roasting to my hearts content.

My buddy, Adam. Enjoying the fire.

And then everyone joined in. Get a load of Chris. He's got the double-roaster going on. Nice one! Thanks, Dad. Twas a fun little party.


Nikki said...

Wait a minute...why are there chemicals in logs? Aren't they wood, and natural and most likely from the forest and free of chemicals?

Bryn said...

Haha, no no. We had those dura flame logs for people who don't get their wood from nature. Something in them helps them start without kindling....and I think we thought it was bad for our health.