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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Eff you, Apple!

So I decided that I wanted to upgrade my Apple iLife software. I wanted to be able to make better movies and websites.

Seems reasonable.

So I go to the Apple website and try to download the upgrade. Then I learn, you have to actually buy a physical CD. WTF?! You can't just download an executable and install?! Microsoft figured it out. We can download all of Office from the internet. No need for a stupid CD.


So I go and buy the stupid CD.

I get home.

Download all the upgrades to all the other stupid apple programs ( many iTunes upgrades do we really need?)

Then. It tells me. I don't have the right operating system. It said I needed Mac OS X. I have Mac OS X. Oh. Wait. The fine print 10.6.3. I have 10.5.8. Apparently the difference between the 5 and 6 is HUGE. In fact, it's like the difference between XP and Vista. Except that Microsoft thought it would be useful to give them different names, alleviate confusion. Ironic.

So....know what you have to do to upgrade to 10.6? Go buy an effing DVD from the Apple store! UGH! I'm very upset with Apple right now.

1 comment:

Tyler and Caresse said...

Oh no bueno!! Cripes, I wonder what OS I have! That is something they could have told you at the store.