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Friday, November 5, 2010

How compatible are we?

At the shower, one of the games was "How well do you know the groom?" - it was really "How well does Bryn know the groom?" but everyone still got to play.

I think people were surprised by some of my answers. So in honor of the wedding weekend, let me recap the answers to the game.

1. What is Nick's favorite sport and team?
N: Baseball/softball -- Mariners. Partial credit for Husky football
B: Baseball/Mariners

2. What kind of animal was Nick's first pet and what was its name?
N: A black cat named Waldo. Actually we had a dog Sam in California but I was too young to really remember her.
B: Dog, Sandy?

3. What is Nick's favorite childhood memory
N: He gave a long list
B: Walking on the volcano in Hawaii (not one of the correct answers)

4. What is Nick's favorite Band?
N: Jimmy Buffett, Weezer, Zac Brown Band are all acceptable answers.
B: Jimmy Buffett

5. Which item is he most excited about on the registry?
N: Husky jerseys!
B: Husky Jerseys

6. Which item is he least excited about on the registry?
N: Pretty much everything else. Kitchen stuff, although Bryn will use it to make good food.
B: Kitchen stuff?

7. What is his favorite color?
N: Green
B: Green

8. What is his favorite meal that the bride has made?
N: They're all delicious. This italian sausage/pasta/broccoli rabe dish from Giada's book is pretty good.
B: He'll say that they are all his favorite. If I had to pick one.....we make this broccoli/sausage pasta thing (they asked me to pick one, and that's what I said)

9. What exact words did he say when he asked her to marry him?
N: "I still don't know if we want to get married, but I do know I want to spend the rest of my life with you." That came after "I didn't think I'd be nervous."
B: We don't have to get married, but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

10. Favorite TV show as a kid?
N: Probably Duck Tales.
B: Simpsons
Doh! We needed clarification on "kid"

11. Favorite dessert?
N: Fro-yo
B: Cookies? Yeah, I blew that one.

12. Perfect vacation spot?
N: Anywhere with Bryn :) Perhaps Cabo?
B: Anywhere with Bryn - Cabo

13. Pet peeve #1
N: Wringing out the sponge.
B: wet sponge

14. Who's cleaner?
N: So Bryn probably does more cleaning, but I'm cleaner. She'll let her mail pile up for weeks.
B: Nick

15. In the Halloween spirit, what was Nick surprised to learn about Bryn.
N: She's never been real trick-or-treating. I was shocked. The things you take for granted growing up in South Cove!
B: I never went trick or treating as a kid


Kelly Jean said...

Reading this just made me even MORE excited to see you and for the wedding on Monday. LOVE it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this. I forgot to take my paper home and want to test Steve! See you tomorrow!!!

Unknown said...

Haha, I'm catching up on the blog. This is hilarious. I have had that sausage broccoli pasta, and it is pretty awesome! Also, you never trick or treated?