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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pumpkin Ice Cream

We got a kitchen aid ice cream maker as a gift. So naturally, I needed to test it out. And since it's not snowing here in California, it seemed like a perfect addition to our Thanksgiving feast.

I decided that pumpkin ice cream would be fitting.

I became slightly concerned after reading a few recipes. Lots of heavy cream and eggs. I already know what makes thanksgiving delicious. Butter. So I wanted to see if I could lighten it, just a bit. I followed a William Sonoma recipe but changed a few things to make it a little less bad for you.

You make the "batter" the day before and keep it chilled. When you're ready, you pour it into the ice cream maker and let it go!

After 20ish minutes, you get ice cream! Pumpkin ice cream!

Nick liked it. It literally tasted like frozen pumpkin pie filling.

1 comment:

Tyler and Caresse said...

I can't wait to taste it!!!!!