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Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween FAIL!

So....when we moved into our townhouse, Nick got really excited for halloween. He was sure that we were going to get a TON of trick or treaters. So he went out and bought a TON of candy and we told our friends we had to stay at home because Nick wanted to hand out candy.

And that year....we had NO kids.

Next year, the only kids that came were the neighbor girls.

Fast forward to Halloween 2010. Last night we had a knock on our door. It was a trick or treater. And we had NO candy. Nick starts running around the house looking for something to give him. Since it's the 21st century and there are crazy people that try and poison kids, we knew we couldn't give him anything open. Nick pulls out a box of cookies, some granola bars and a bag of cotton candy. So we give him the bag of cotton candy (don't worry moms and dads, it's this cool stuff we got at target and it's actually better than the stuff at the fair because it's fresh).

Nick then asked if I thought he should run to the gas station and buy some candy....because we didn't have any. Poor guy.


Nick said...

It was tragic. Big time failure.

Judy said...

aw! that's so cute. =)

same thing happened to us. i had a giant bowl of candy and had ONE trick-o-treater. we gave half the bowl away to her. lol.