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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Best Weekend Ever: II

This Hilton does its part to help with the turtle conservation. They house thousands of sea turtle eggs and protect them from predators.

When it's time for the little baby turtles to hatch, the hotel guests get to help release them into the ocean. However, it's tricky. You have to be at the right place at the right time! And I was! So early one morning, I got to send some baby turtles off into the ocean.

A turtle and his buddies.

Doesn't it remind you of Finding Nemo? With Squirt and Crush?


Kellie G said...

Bryn, these pictures are so awesome...and yes, it completely reminds me of nemo!! :)

Nikki said...

So cute! I've always wanted to do that. Did yours make it? Wait, don't tell me if it didn't.

Bryn said...

Mine made it to the water! No idea how he did after that. I like to believe he's swimming with his turtle brothers :-) But it was totally fun!