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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dangela getting married

Our good friends Dan and Angela got married this past Saturday in Seattle. It was an awesome wedding at the Arctic Club downtown. Beautiful, fun and all around good time!

We're getting lapped. That's right. Lapped. People are now meeting, dating, getting engaged and getting married....all in the time we've been dating. Meh. What can you do.

On a side note, Dan had one the best - best men. His name is Blake and I'm pretty sure he's Japanese - perhaps why he is so awesome?

The kid planned the bachelor party and used an excel spreadsheet. He planned enough details to make the weekend flow but wasn't OCD about.

Then there was the best man speech. I've heard some pretty awful/awkward speeches before, never anything worth writing about....but Blake used....get ready for it....a powerpoint presentation. Incredible. It was well organized, witty with a touch of sentimentality (is that a word?).

In any case, the wedding was awesome. Oh, BTW - Blake's dad can CUT IT UP! Awesome.

1 comment:

Adopt a cause, Drink a beer said...

Thanks for the nice shout out! Glad business school taught me something worthwhile...