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Monday, June 14, 2010


I was in the UK for 7 days - some for work, some for fun. I had a great time and even got to hang with my sis, Stace for a few days.

I'll be blogging about my trip over the next few days. But here is a quick recap - I might expand on these subjects later this week.

1. Driving on the other side of the road is scary shit. I wasn't even the driver....and I'm glad I wasn't. But hey, I'm still alive. Win.

2. Everything is brilliant!

3. English tea = black tea + milk + sugar

4. Don't eat the black pudding - keep in mind that this is a breakfast item

5. "Pop the trunk" = "Open the boot"

6. Someone actually referred to someone else as "strong as an ox" - and I think they meant it

7. Nothing sounds bad with a British accent

8. Museums in London are free - but Westmister Abbey costs an arm and a leg.....what would god say about this?

9. They sell puppies at Harrods.

10. To get around, you use an oyster card. The best part was that it came in an ikea carrying case. What? Awesome. I know.

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