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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Best Birthday Ever?

Out of the 27 I've now had, this one ranks pretty high! Right up there with the Cabbage Patch birthday (2?), the white mountain bike birthday (8?), the surprise sweet 16 (16, duh) and the quarter century was pretty good as well.

It all started last Friday with a BBQ at our Simon and Karen's house. I was surprised by a homemade coconut and pecan cake by Lisa - she even piped "Happy Birthday Bryn" on the top!

On my actual birthday, August 6th - also known as the day the US dropped an A-Bomb on Hiroshima - we decided to go to the Toby Keith and Trace Adkins concert at Shoreline!

We "tailgated" before the concert. And by "tailgate", I mean "act like we're still in high school as we hide drinks from the police." Apparently you can't really do have food or drink. We couldn't even have food on the ground...we had to have it on the "tailgate" - ironically. Anyways.....

We made some tailgating "friends" - a group of girls not wearing enough clothes that needed "help" getting their tailgate down. Apparently the white Ford Bronco had a sticky tailgate.

We went to the concert with Lisa, Sterling, Karen, Simon, Caresse and Tyler. Caresse is NOT a country fan. At all. But she's such a good friend that she came anyways! And I think she even enjoyed herself! It also helped that the entire concert was sponsored by Ford! Here is Nick and Caresse, posing in front of the American Ride truck! Yay Ford!

Caresse really wanted the full experience - plaid shirt and boots! We were twinsies!

Here's a portion of the group - I think the others were taking pictures, getting beer and or going to the bathroom.

Picture fun!

Instead of cake, Auntie Lisa made Caramel and Chocolate dipped Pretzels! INCREDIBLE!! She's already baked twice for me in the matter of 1 week! Such a great friend!

For not being much of a country fan, Caresse knew more Trace Adkins songs than I did. Here she is, "dancing" to one she recognized.

Later that night, a random family stopped right in front of us.....honestly.

You know it's a good night when your tongue turns pink from the cotton candy.

Thanks for a great birthday, guys!


brooke said...

There's no sitting on the grass!!! You're supposed to be up dancing with strangers. ;)

Happy (late) Birthday, Bryn!! Great hanging out today!

Kellie G said...

I really wish we could have been there!!!! Sounds like a blast!