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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spam Musubi

When I stayed home sick, I thought spam musubi sounded good.

What is spam musubi? It's a Hawaiian snack made from spam, rice and nori (Seaweed).

1. Get a brick of spam....yum

2. Slice the spam into 8-10 pieces.

3. Saute the spam pieces in some teriyaki sauce. I like Yoshidas.

4. Take some sheets of nori and cut them in half.

5. You'll need a musubi form. We got our plastic form in Japantown for about $1. Put it on the nori. Like so.

6. Add some rice. About 0.5" worth.

7. Add the piece of spam.

8. Add a little more rice.

9. Remove the plastic form.

10. Wrap the nori around the rest of the rice. Tada! Good stuff! Nick's hooked.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you've been sick. Hope you're feeling better now and that Spam is the magic cure!

Unknown said...

I put furikake in between two layers of rice and put my spam on the top. Also, I use equal part shoyu and sugar and some ginger powder for my sauce. Just made some for my office a few weeks ago. So delicious.... Getting hungry thinking about it, good thing I'm going to Hawaii on Saturday. :)

Unknown said...

Hey, Athony! How about some kimchi in too for a twist... love the furikake angle. Bryn, we had a burger at Palace Kitchen with "housemade" spam. We inspired the chef to try his own... was delicious. He even got written up in the NYT for it.

cathy said...

I LOVE that you know how to make spam musubi! I haven't had it in a long time.

brooke said...

Ready for hilarious?? Raf was hungry when he got home from Kauai on Monday night. We didn't have much in the way of food in the house and he was like--no worries, I still have part of the meal I bought before I was totally one of these things!!! Except his had fried rice.

Freaking random!

Bryn said...

Brooke - I was walking through the airport, casually catching up on email when I read your comment and started to laugh outloud. I then called Nick to tell him.