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Monday, August 16, 2010

Black Forest Cupcakes Take 2

After my run this morning, I headed to the grocery store to find the "cherries in light syrup."

Blast. all they had was cherry pie filling and tart cherries in water. My friend, Cath, sent me some useful info - so I got the cherry pie fillings and decided to also make my own from fresh cherries. More on that later.

The basic chocolate cupcake was pretty easy. Your typical cupcake - with some sour cream and buttermilk - which typically makes the cupcakes super moist.
Guess who's out of town? Yep, Nick! That means he didn't get to lick that FABULOUS-LY chocolate beater. I'm not one to eat cake batter, but this was delish!

The annoying part was dusting the cupcake tins with cocoa powder. Annoying. An I'm so cheap I don't want to waste any cocoa powder so I did each "hole" individually. Poured a little cocoa in, and then tapped it into a bowl, then moved on to the next one. It took way too long and I don't actually think it didn't anything.

So, I need to remember that pitting cherries is a HUGE pain in the a$$. It took my about half an hour to pit 1 lb. of cherries. They make a machine that does it for you....but I'm not about to spend money on something like that until I know I'm going to be making cherries-in-syrup more often.

Insert a few more hours and a few more ingredients. And there you have it. The final product. Pastry cream and chocolate ganache were added - as well as the cherries.

Still not sure if the pie filling or homemade is better. I actually like the pie filling. This means I'll never have to pit a cherry again!


cathy said...

I'm glad they turned out! I really like cherry pie filling and I have a great easy cake-like recipe to use with them that we get lots of compliments on. Also cool that you tried out the fresh cherries in syrup, too. How do you do your ganache? The last time I did it it took way too long to firm up and was runny for a while, though I followed the recipe.

Bryn said...

Ganache is super easy! I think my recipe was 6 oz chocolate chips, 1Tbs karo syrup and 2/3 cup heavy cream. You mix the karo and cream in a pan until it starts to simmer. Then just dump it over the chocolate. Let it sit for a minute or 2 and then slowly start folding it together with the spatula. It take a few minutes to incorporate it all. I just leave it on the counter for a few hours and come back - and it's a good consistency. But you kind of have to ignore it for a bit.

cathy said...

Yeah I think I touched it too soon because I was so anxious. The recipe also had no karo syrup so I wonder what kind of difference that would make. Thanks!