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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tale as old as time...

We had a girls night out in the city on Thursday.

Dinner out and a show! And what a show it was!

Beauty and the Beast - the musical! It was great. Outrageous costumes, great songs and good company.

A few funny moments:

One of the characters takes a swig from a flask and the little girl behind us asks her mom, "Mom, what is she drinking."

The little girl getting soooo excited when Belle comes out in her beautiful gown - and then proceeds to sing along with Mrs. Potts (we never meet Mr. Potts....funny).

Another interesting observation - the dress Belle wears for the big ballroom dance sequence is NOT the same as the one from the movie. The use the dress in parades at Disneyland, so they are perfectly capable of replicating it. Weird.

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