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Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Did I mention I went to Seattle last week?

Anyways. Stace and I met my dad for lunch. Where? Think "gourmet roach coach." It's all the rage with foodies.

This specific "food cart" was named "Best Food Cart in American." I mean, with those kind of accolades, how could we resist?

We met it in SODO - its normal Friday hangout. Right outside Safeco field. My favorite stadium.

See the line? Legit.

And because we'd never had any before, we pretty much tried everything. Menu here. Basically it's like Hawaiian food with a twist. We had spam and kahlua pig sliders, some tacos with non traditional fillings and kimchi fried rice. Sooooo good!

If you live in Seattle, chase this cart down. Totally worth it. And it's not very expensive. Tacos are like $2 and the fried rice (which is pretty big) is $5 (most expensive thing on the menu.

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