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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tyler makes fire

One of the best parts of camping is making a campfire. Lucky for us, there was tons of fire wood around our campsite. The boys decided to go on a little hunt, and Tyler came back with this "little" gem. It was about 8" in diameter and 6'+ long.

It was clearly too long for the fire pit. But that didn't stop them.

There were enough engineers and wannabe engineers in the group, that a plan was hatched.

3 boys + 2 trees + 1 fire log = - picture below -

The piece they broke off was probably 3-4 feet long.

But later that night, it made it into the fire.

Here's Tyler, surveying the fruits of his labor.

1 comment:

brooke said...

Note to the engineers: next time, pack a little ax. Hehe! Love that pic.