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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nick's Softball Game

Nick's been playing in an all guys softball league since he moved to California - about 3.5 years ago. I finally went to my 2nd game last Sunday. It was playoffs. You gotta go to playoffs.

So I went to my second game and the poor guys fought hard but lost.

The other team was called, "I'd Hit That." So here's the thing, I'm all about creative names, but you need a name that wouldn't make your mom ashamed of you.

In other news, I don't know how baseball wives handle the stress. We have some friends in the big leagues and I couldn't imagine watching my husband play big league ball - I get stressed out during beer league softball.

1 comment:

PNB Dave said...

Maybe your mom is hipper than mine, but my mom would have NO idea what "I'd Hit That" means.