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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mad Skills

My sister has mad skills.

She writes the chalkboards for a restaurant in Seattle. And as you can see by the prices, it's not exactly a cheap place.

She had to go in and change the board last Saturday. So I tagged along. (In reality, she can't drive I had no choice. But it was still fun to see her in much patience).


After. I actually had the Filet Caprese Salad and it was one of the best things I've ever eaten. Heirloom tomatoes, aged balsamic, mozzarella and a little filet.


Unknown said...

Did she draw the fish too?

Bryn said...

No, she didn't draw the fish. But whatever they replace with the fish will be drawn by her.

Stacey Miyahara said...

haha everyone always asks if i did the fish and then are unimpressed when i didn't.

PNB Dave said...

Are you allowed to name the restaurant? I'm intrigued by the crab crusted tuna and the ribeye.

Bryn said...

Haha...yeah...I should name the restaurant. Duh! It's Jak's! They have one in Laurelhurst (where she does the boards) and also one in Issaquah and West Seattle.