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Monday, August 9, 2010

Creepy or Cool

So back in April, I posted about my Taylor Swift concert. One of the posts was about Kellie Pickler - former American Idol. I was never a fan when she was on Idol, but she had impressed me at the Taylor concert. So I blogged about it.

Fast forward to today.

I'm going over my google analytics numbers. Because I'm an engineer and if I can't attach a stat to it, it's not important. I took a look at the "Top Traffic Sources" and noticed that one of my referring sites is "" - me, being stupid, automatically thinks it's a page for my friend Kellie - she's thin, tall and beautiful - why wouldn't she have a fan page dedicated to her.

So I visit the site. Nope. Not for my Kellie. It's for Kellie Pickler.

Now I'm curious. So I google AND brynashley. Look what I found! Scroll to the 7th post, a little over half way down. Yep. That's my blog post. They gave me credit, and there were only good intentions. But still. Kinda weird. Right? I feel mildly violated. A little heads up would have been nice. That's all I'm saying.

Also ironic...the person that posted my blog is named "chriskelliefan." Remember my friend Kellie - the one I thought the webpage was for - she's married to chris. Woooo.


Unknown said...

Wow. Somebody is watching, maybe not Big Brother, maybe only somebody with waaay too much time on their hands but still....

Stacey Miyahara said...

that happened to me on my blog!!!! it IS weird!!!

Kellie G said...

Creepy. And that it was posted by chriskellie! Insert twilight theme song here. But thanks for thinking it might have been me! :)

brooke said...

Ditto! I totally discovered a similar experience by following my analytics last week. Except mine was on a wedding blog. But still found it random!